
9 Things You Should Know About Bosnia and Herzegovina

Peaceful and Safe

Many believe Bosnia and Herzegovina is still going through war or is not safe. However, that is far from reality. The War ended in 1995. Yes, the country is mentally, emotionally and economically recovering from the war, but it is slowing getting back on its feet. Tourism is booming and the country is very safe.

Indoor Smoking

This can be a huge culture shock for many, as it was definitely for me. Smoking is allowed indoors in the majority of the countries restaurants and even malls.

Bosniak vs Bosnian

There is a difference between the word Bosniak and Bosnian. Bosniak usually refers to Bosnian Muslims. Bosnian is an umbrella word composing of Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks.

3 Presidents and 12 Prime Ministers

Yes, that is right. It’s the only country in the world to have 3 presidents ruling the country. Each president does an 8-month term and then they rotate. You can read more about it here.

Still Recovering from War

The war ended less than 25 years ago. Many of the people who experienced the war and lost family members are still alive. Economically, Bosnia and Herzegovina is not up to the level of other Balkan countries but that is because no other Balkan country was as badly affected by the war.

Roads, borders and Google Maps

Many of the roads in Bosnia and Herzegovina are unpaved. Many of the borders are seasonal or for locals only. Before you start driving, make sure the borders and the roads you are crossing are paved and open.


The official currency of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the Bosnian Mark. Euros are commonly used and will be accepted in most places.


The Bosnian people are laid back and down to earth. They enjoy spending time with family and friends and even have a word to describe this activity known as Ćejf. Ć is pronounced like -tch in word the pitch.

Bosnian Coffee

The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina take pride in their coffee and don’t like it when it is compared to Turkish Coffee. The coffee is made in a specific way and there is a specific way to drink it as well. Make sure to ask the waiter how to drink it when you order your Bosnian Coffee.

Make sure to check our detailed travel guide for Bosnia and Herzegovina.