We know traveling has many benefits but let me share with you 10 reasons why Muslims should travel a lot more.
1. Recommended in the Quran
Have they not travelled throughout the land so their hearts may reason, and their ears may listen? Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind.
Surah Al-Haj, Verse 46
Allah tells us multiple times in the Quran to travel and explore the earth so we reflect upon His creation and humble ourselves. Allah mentions His creation of mountains, rivers and stars as signs for those who reflect. Travelling is a well-established theme in the Quran and Sunnah and is recommended for the Muslim. If travel is done with the right intentions it can be a source of reward as well!
2. The Travelers supplication is always answered
Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Three supplications are answered, there being no doubt about them; that of a father, that of a traveler and that of one who has been wronged.”
Sunan Abi Dawud
This alone is a huge reason why a Muslim should travel. If there is something that your heart desires and you want to give your duaa that extra push then maybe it’s about time you book your next trip.
3. Opens up the mind
Sometimes we get lost in our own bubble. We only see one “flavor” of Islam and Muslims. Islam is not limited to one race or one culture of people. We actually begin to believe what the media tells us about the world. We forget that there are 8 billion people in this world. 8 billion! There is so much to see, experience and learn.
4. Opportunity to explore and ponder upon Allah’s beautiful creation
Have you ever bungee-jumped from a mountain or swam with the fishes in the Ocean? Have you ever seen a volcano up close or a herd of animals in the wild? If the answer is no then my question to you is why not? If you want to reconnect with Allah then take the time out to see and experience His creation.
This alone is a reason why Muslims should travel. It will humble you to your core and make you ponder about your purpose in life. Your problems back home will seem a lot smaller and your perspective on life will change.
5. Increases love between family and couples
Umar bin Al-Khattab said that you don’t truly know a person until you travel with them.
What better way to get to know your spouse, parents, siblings and children than to travel with them. We all live busy lives, whether that’s because of work, school or other responsibilities. We often don’t get a chance to just sit down and talk to our family. Traveling gives an opportunity to catch up, get out of our usual environment and reconnect through new experiences.
Personal reflection: In my many years of traveling with my spouse, family and friends, I have always witnessed that traveling has brought us closer together. It has given us an opportunity to bond over new experiences and learn new things about each other that we didn’t know before.
If you’re looking for a romantic getaway with your spouse, check out my top 5 Muslim friendly romantic getaway ideas.
6. Enables you to live outside of your comfort zone
Being comfortable all the time is not healthy for anyone. One of the keys to growing and progressing as an individual is to experience things that are different and outside of our comfort zone. It is through uncomfortable and difficult experiences we learn new things about ourselves and progress in life. Traveling to new places puts you in situations where you are forced to meet new people, explore new places and experience new things.
7. A chance to witness history and historical events
Seeing the Pyramids of Egypt in a textbook is drastically different than being in the presence of them. Physical presence at a location where a historical event took place, brings about a feeling that cannot be described. It must be felt. Whether the events are related to Islam or human history, just the fact you are physically present is an experience you will never even come close to by reading books.
One of the most rewarding experiences of going for Umrah or Hajj is the tour of historic places that hold significance in Islam. Standing on Mount Uhud and remembering the events that took place there is an emotional experience. Emotions that are much more difficult to come out if you are not physically there.
8. A break from the daily routine
We all need a break. The Prophets needed a break. The Sahaba’s needed a break. Breaks are part of being human. A break frees up our clouded minds. A break allows us to detach ourselves from problems that are blocking our thoughts from being positive and optimistic about the future. Travelling gives you that break.
9. Increases knowledge and confidence
We’ve all heard the phrase “knowledge is power” and there is no better way of gaining knowledge than through experiences. Through experiences, we learn and understand at a much deeper level than we would otherwise.
Personal reflection: I use to be a shy person growing up. I had difficulty building up the courage to talk to people or would just feel nervous interacting with people I did not know. As I began to travel more frequently, I realized that people are generally kind and helpful. I found myself interacting with more confidence which helped me in all aspects of life once I got home.
10. A reminder about this temporary life
We often find ourselves getting too attached to our life in this world. Moments of comfort, peace and happiness make us forget that we are not here forever. When you travel, you leave everything and everyone you love behind and it is a good exercise and reminder to experience leaving this life. Soon enough you and I will leave all that we love and return to our Lord.
Ibn Umar (RahiyAllahu ‘anhuma) used to say, “In the evening do not expect [to live until] the morning, and in the morning do not expect [to live until] the evening. Take [advantage of] your health before times of sickness, and [take advantage of] your life before your death.”
Bonus: Protection from poverty
“Make the Hajj and ‘Umrah follow each other closely, for they remove poverty and sins as the bellows removes the dross of iron, gold and silver, and an accepted Hajj brings no less a reward than Paradise.”
Sunan an-Nasa’i
The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) has told us that those who travel for Umrah and Hajj on a continuous basis will be protected from poverty. Next time you think twice about going for Hajj or Umrah, reflect on this hadith. Travelling for pilgrimage will never decrease your wealth.
If you are looking for travel inspiration then make sure to check out my other detailed Travel Guides to countries like Canada, Iceland and Spain.
Also make sure to follow me on Instagram where I post daily with travel tips, inspiration and much more!